People Performance

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fruiStrategy® People Performance

Managing people performance is bottom-up approach for strategy execution. The organizational goals, objectives, and measures need to be aligned with people objectives and measures. The success of strategy execution depends on robust alignment and proper reporting mechanism. fruiStrategy brings an integrated approach to align with balanced scorecard or OKRs with people performance. The holistic approach solves complex problem of people performance which can link to career management, performance incentives, role enhancements, and employee satisfaction.

Balanced Scorecard or OKR is a great way for the management of any organization to track indicators of performance. A tremendous amount of its potential value is being missed if that is what it all does. If effort has been spent balancing planning across the four factors of balanced scorecard but people aren’t aligned to those plans and working in the same direction, the plans can only partially work at best.

Individual Performance: Individual Performance focuses on aspects of work that are best achieved by individuals working on their own. Individual performance on its own has deeper levels and often measured on the metrics such as Individual Objectives & Measures, and Individual Performance reporting.

fruiStrategy helps to define people objectives and corresponding measures. The individual employee can be linked to the people objectives and also corresponding BSC objectives. The monthly performance of actuals can be updated manually or through automated data transfer with any solution or ERP. The overall performance or people score can be calculated to automatically based on the weightages defined. All these things happen in a simple and systematic way to help HR management.

Team Performance: Team performance focuses on aspects of work that are best accomplished by teams of individuals working together. These teams may be reporting to the same individual or maybe cross-functional in nature. In some cases, they are permanent and in others, they exist for the duration of the project at hand.

The team objectives and measures can be defined and linked to Balanced Scorecard objectives and measures to make the perfect alignment of cross functional or project teams. The performance numbers of team can be updated periodically.

360-degree Review: A 360-degree review provides the employee with input from all directions by soliciting reviews from direct reports, peers working closely with the employee and managers. The assessment includes a self-appraisal, superior’s appraisal, subordinate appraisals, and peer appraisals. The main reason for using this appraisal process is to provide timely, useful feedback that can help individuals improve their performance, with a goal of helping them develop into a high performer.

People Performance reports are very powerful. By further grouping, filtering, and configuring them, the management can learn a lot about the people, and the effectiveness of the programs. The reporting can be done at individual level, team level, and 360-degree review level. To understand and enhance the overall performance, reports should be generated at different levels such as;

Strategic Objective-->People Objective-->People-->Targets & Actuals-->Performance Status-->Individual Score

Strategic Objective-->Team Objective-->Team-->Targets & Actuals-->Performance Status-->Team Score

Periodic 360-degree survey-->360-degree score

People Score-->Individual+Team+360-degree Review+ Strategic Objective Performance

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